Pentas, It’s More Than That, Right?

We have been seeing the boom of NFT marketplace, and the latest, Binance themselves came up with their own marketplace. Have you seen what NFT marketplace looks like? it’s like instagram but with different brands. Well, that’s the way I look at it anyways.
This begs the question, ‘What is the different between all these NFT marketplace?’ Yes, of course other than the blockchain they’re on, the minting fees, onboard influential artists. Or maybe, the right question to ask is rather;
‘What is missing from a NFT Marketplace?’
With that question in mind, Pentas strives to bring in that something extra, or an edge as you might say to the world of NFT Marketplace. We went on a journey to find answers.
‘What is NFT again?’
The first thing we must understand is the concept of NFT itself. It’s meant to be Non-Fungible, unique and one of it’s kind bragging rights. Yea, we said it, ‘bragging rights’. ie. ‘This a famous artist artpiece and I own it. Here’s the contract address as a proof, thank you.’
This artpiece contract address will forever be inside blockchain, it is transferable, but Never can be duplicated. Sort of like the certificate of authenticity and ownership rights for the artpiece. Did I mention royalties are FOREVER as long as there are buy and sell transactions?
‘So, what is the answer?’
Identity, that’s the key ingredient that we believe that has been missing. Pentas believes NFT marketplace must have identity. Like an artpiece, the identity is pretty much tied up to the creator themselves. ie. Mona Lisa and Leonardo Da Vinci. Van Gogh and Starry Night.
Everyone has their own interpretations as art is very subjective. Suited to the name ‘Pentas’ or ‘stage’, we provide the stage for you to tell your stories. Your own painting, your own story. Stage-it!
Pentas will be a NFT marketplace with a bit of identity. We are finalising the details and can’t wait to share it with everyone soon in our next article.
We have lots of exciting stuffs in the pipeline, so much development with so little time. We will continue working to bring out the best of NFT potentials to the masses.
Amen! or as we say in Pentas community ‘A-mint’!
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