Pentas NFT Marketplace
3 min readDec 31, 2021


Pentas Wrapping Up 2021.

The year 2021, finally coming to an end, we are departing from a year that is indeed eventful.

Just before the curtain is finally down, we would like to express our gratitude to all of you that involved since day one, the NFT community who are the crucial catalyst, the journey, admittedly has been no less than a rollercoaster ride. Perhaps, similar to surfing on the roughest wave out there. You never know how high the next wave will be!

Looking back, we are grateful for all the small wins, all the engraved milestones throughout 2021. What starts as small steps, turns into small wins, it grew to bigger achievements & subsequently, massive recognition. What was started merely as an idea, is now a real deal, fullfledged NFT Platform that empowers both community & society, and a leading brand in South East Asia for the NFT scene and still growing, definitely the force to be reckoned with.

Starting with just a handful of creators, slowly it spread out wilder than the wildfire itself, it went on to be one of the top 10 NFT Marketplace in the WORLD on the Binance ecosystem.

Gradually, countless organisations & corporations are taking notice of what is happening, and how Pentas has managed to change the perceptions towards the NFT & Blockchain industry. The tide is indeed shifting.

Towards the year-end, we have a couple of institutions that came onboarding, and this is just the beginning. We have received countless invitations & offers, and this is just starting point.

Where Pentas is today, we are hugely indebted to the strong NFT community. Pentas couldn’t have done it without support from the community. Due to this, we will strive harder so that community can thrive even better.

We can conclude from what is best of 2021, where we have been shown us where to go next. We have massive plans for 2022, and assuming responsibility to take the community further with our journey, together we will move our NFT community to greater and further success.

As we all know, there are many benefits from the NFT that all of us are aware of. But for us, not so much about the NFT advantages this time around, the most crucial element is, how Pentas NFT Marketplace has empowered society on an unprecedented scale. For us, that sentiment is beyond any tech achievement.

Pentas, has successfully ended the year on a high note, maximising our strength, and from the bottom of our hearts, we would like to express our gratitude, so thank you, everyone.

Pentas team signing out from 2021 & welcoming 2022! 🎉✨

#Pentas #binancesmartchain #binance #nft #nftmarketplace

